

Main Points of Positive Aesthetics
摘要 肯定美学并非一个新的美学分支或研究趋向,而是一种欣赏态度。肯定美学所反映的是对于自然的尊崇态度。因反对"如画美学"这一流行的自然审美态度,肯定美学成了环境美学界的一个理论焦点。肯定美学之所以会引起争论,并不在于其违反常识,而在于其命题自身的逻辑含混及其支持者的意见分歧。 Positive aesthetics is not a new branch of aesthetics, but a mode of appreciation of nature. Its supporters held that, to the virgin nature, the mode of appreciation is positive aesthetics, while, to arts, the mode is critical aesthetics. This respectful attitude towards nature is as old as civilization. In objecting the popular mode of nature appreciation which is called picturesque aesthetics, positive aesthetics became an important issue of environmental aesthetics. Most scholars understand positive aesthetics as "all the nature is beautiful". This reduction is a serious mistake, for it not only misses the foundamental spirit of postive aesthetics, but also induces us to argue agaist postive aesthetics with commonsense. In fact, the real theoretical difficulties of positive aesthetics lie not in its violation of commonsense, but in the intrisic logical ambiguity of its claims and different oppinions among its supporters.
作者 邓军海
出处 《上海交通大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期84-89,共6页 Journal of Shanghai Jiao tong University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
基金 2010年度国家社会科学规划一般项目(10BZX077)
关键词 肯定美学 欣赏态度 批评美学 如画美学 逻辑含混 positive aesthetics mode of appreciation critical aesthetics picturesque aesthetics ambiguity of logic
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