
表面粗糙度测量中的稳健样条滤波算法 被引量:3

Robust Spline Filtering Algorithm to Surface Roughness Measurement
摘要 研究了表面异常信号对国际标准样条滤波器的影响。引入稳健统计学思想对样条滤波器进行了稳健处理,增强样条滤波的稳健性。利用该算法对实际表面进行测量,其结果表明:能够可靠地获得评定中线,实现表面信息的无失真提取和分析,与原有国际标准样条滤波器相比,稳健性更强。 The influence of the outliers on the performance of the international standard spline filter is studied. Then the robust statistics is introduced to reconstruct the spline filter and enhance its robustness. The new spline filter is applied to the actual engineering surface, and the results show that the presented spline filter can obtain the mean line reliably and access to the surface infonnation without distortion, it is also more robust than the international standard spline filter.
出处 《工具技术》 2011年第8期97-99,共3页 Tool Engineering
关键词 计量学 表面粗糙度 样条滤波器 稳健样条滤波器 metrology surface roughness spline filter robust spline filter
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