
多元减灾语境下的重点结构概念设计 被引量:1

Conceptual design of major structures in the context of multi-hazard mitigation
摘要 针对重点结构设施的设防需求,提出以多元减灾为目标的重点结构概念设计。阐明结构全寿命期安全的两个不同层面(即可靠性和鲁棒性),指出多元减灾可以从改善结构鲁棒性入手。分析了能量原理用于抗灾分析的普遍适用性,在此基础上,提出从增进结构本身的消能能力同时减少外界潜在的能量释放两方面开展和检验结构概念设计。最后,结合案例,给出从结构体型与空间布置、选材、结构体系、施工方案四方面实施多元减灾概念设计的主、被动措施,以期降低重点结构在灾害状况下发生不相称破坏的风险。 Conceptual design of major structures is highlighted with the aim of achieving multi-hazard mitigation.Two interdependent levels of structural safety(i.e.reliability,robustness) are defined and their relationship examined.It is argued herein that multi-hazard mitigation can be conducted through structural robustness analysis.Moreover,given the applicability of energy(flow) principles,multi-hazard mitigation based conceptual design will be implemented by improving the energy-absorption capacity of structures while reducing the potential release of external energy.Finally,the paper proposes active and passive means of mitigating multi-hazard from the viewpoints of building space,materials,structural system,and construction,which should prove useful in reducing the risk of disproportionate failure under disaster condition.
出处 《四川建筑科学研究》 北大核心 2011年第4期39-42,共4页 Sichuan Building Science
基金 山东省高等学校科技计划项目(J09LE02) 烟台大学博士启动基金(TM09B1)
关键词 结构体系 多元减灾 鲁棒性 消能 概念设计 structural system multi-hazard mitigation robustness energy-absorption conceptual design
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