
美国朱子学研究发展之管窥 被引量:5

摘要 朱子学跨出国门之后,日韩独领风骚,欧洲也吸引了一定的关注,惟独在中国学研究日益兴盛的美国倍受冷落,这和美国中国学发展的战略政策不无关系。百年来,中西学者共同努力,朱子学研究逐步进入美国学术视野并赢得一席之地。朱子学研究在美国发展的历史轨迹,再现了美国中国思想史研究发展的社会、思想和学术背景,及其研究视角与进路的变化历程。
作者 卢睿蓉
出处 《现代哲学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期122-126,共5页 Modern Philosophy
基金 浙江省哲学社会科学重点基地宋学研究中心 2009年度浙江省社科规划重点课题<海外宋学研究的多维发展:以美国为中心的考察>的阶段性成果
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  • 1E. C. Bridgeman, Notices of Chinese Cosmogony: Formation of the Universe, Heaven, Earth, Man, Beasts, etc. , Chinese Repository,1849,第78卷,第342-347页.
  • 2William E. Hocking, Chu Hsi's Theory of Knowledge, Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies, Volume l, 1936: pp. 109--127.
  • 3Paul E. Callahan .《朱熹与圣托马斯之对比》(Chu Hsi and St. Thomas, A Comparison, Harvard University Committee on International and Regional Studies, Papers on China, Vol 4, 1950,pp. 1-23).
  • 4俞检身.《朱熹与怀特海之形上学比较研究》(A Comparative Study of the Metaphysics of Chu Hsi and A. N. Whitehead, diss. Washington University, 1959).
  • 5John W. Haeger .Crisis and Prosperity in Sung China, Tucson: Arizona University, 1975, pp. 163--198.
  • 6James T. liu, How did a Neo-Confucian School become the state orthodoxy? Philosophy East and West (Vol. 23, 1973, 483--505).
  • 7田浩.Values in History and Ethics in Politics: Issues Debated between Chu Hsi and Ch ' en Liang ,哈佛大学1976年.
  • 8贾德讷.The Classics during the Sung: Chu Hsi' Interpretation of the Tahsueh,哈佛大学1978年.
  • 9白诗朗,Glossess on Reality: Chu Hsi as mett Hatton, A Comparison of the Role of Prime Matter in the System of Francis Suarez (1548--1617) with that of CH'I in the System of Chu Hsi ( 1130-1200 ),纽约州立大学.
  • 10Allen John Wittenborn, The Mind of Chu Hsi : His Philosophy with Annotated Translation Chapters One through Five of the " HSU CHIN-SSU LU , 亚利桑那大学.


  • 1ANTONIO S. CUA, 1985. Ethical Argumentation: A Study of Hsun Tsu's Epistemology. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
  • 2JOHN KNOBLOCK,1988. Xunzi: A Translation and Study of the Complete works.Vol.Ⅰ, books1-6;Vol.Ⅱ, Books7-16. Stanford: Stanford University Press.T.H.Barrett, 1992. Li Ao: Buddhist, Taoist, or Neo-Confucian? Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • 3PETER K. BOL, 1992. "This Culture of Ours": Intellectual Transition in T'ang and Sung China. Stanford: Stanford University Press.
  • 4MARTINA DEUCHLER, 1992. The Confucian Transfom?tion of Korea: A Study of Society and Ideology. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
  • 5JERRY DENNERLIN, 1981. The Chin-ting Loyalists: Confucian Leadership and Social Change in Seventeenth Century China. New Havean: Yale University Press.
  • 6CHARLES HARTMAN, 1986. Han Yu and the T'ang Search for Unity. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
  • 7MASAO MARUYAMA, 1974. Studies in the Intellectual History of Tokugawa Japan. Trans. By Mikiso Hane. Princeton and Tokyo: Princeton University Press and University of Tokyo Press.
  • 8HOYT CLEVELAND TILLMAN, 1992a. A New Direction in Confucian Scholarship: Approaches to Examing the Differences between Neo-Confu-cianism and Tao-hsueh. Philosophy East and West 42, no. 3(July 1992): 455-74.
  • 9HOYT (CLEVELAND TILLMAN, 1992b. Confucian Discourse and Chu His's Ascendancy. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
  • 10KIM SUNG-HAE,1985. the Righteous and the Sage: A Comparative Study on the Ideal Images of Man in Biblical Israel and Classical China.












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