为研究污泥好氧消化同时加入Fenton试剂对污泥的处理效果,利用3个反应器作对比实验,考察了3个反应器中污泥的SS、VSS去除率,污泥上清液中COD、总磷、氨氮浓度及污泥比阻、OUR和pH的变化情况。实验结果表明,每天每升污泥中分别加入Fenton试剂2.0和3.0 g,好氧消化15 d,污泥的SS和VSS去除率得到提高,分别从对照实验的32.2%和38.1%提高到37.4%、43.2%和40.2%、47.7%。Fenton试剂投加量的增大有利于污泥的SS和VSS的去除,同时上清液中的COD、总磷、氨氮质量浓度都有所增加,而加入Fenton试剂后污泥的pH显著下降。Fenton试剂氧化能显著提高污泥的脱水性能。与对照实验相比,脱水性能分别提高了72.9%和86%。
A batch experiment was conducted using three reactors to compare aerobic digestion with Fenton's reagent with aerobic digestion without Fenton reagent. Some degradation characters including the suspended solid (SS) and volatile suspended solid (VSS), COD, total phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen concentration in supernatant and the change of sludge specific resistance,OUR and pH were investigated during sludge digestion. The SS and VSS reduction rate were increased respectively to 37.4%, 43.2% and 40.2%, 47.7% from 32.2%, 38.1% in the control experiment after 15 d digestion when 2.0 and 3.0 g/L Fenton's reagent per day were added.
Journal of Dalian Polytechnic University