
移动学习资源和活动的综合模型设计研究 被引量:19

A Comprehensive Model Design Research on Mobile Learning Resources and Activities
摘要 随着技术的可移植性增强,移动学习得到了更加广泛的应用,研究这种学习模式的教学方法和教学设计至关重要。该文回顾了当前移动学习在正式或非正式环境中的应用模式和移动学习的设计模型,探讨了移动学习的教学设计原则和步骤,包括材料、设备和方法。通过对移动学习资源和活动的设计提供一种新的综合模型,即地点、技术、文化和满意度模型(LTCS)。该模型克服了早期模型出现的问题,特别是为移动学习方案设计者提供多元文化支持的缺失。设计者可以使用这个模型所提供的方法将多学科的成果整合成一个启发式设计模式,最大化移动学习的教学能力。 With the enhancement of technology portability,mobile learning has had a more extensive application,so,it is very important to study the instructional method and instructional design in this kind of learning style.The paper review the current application mode of mobile learning in the formal or informal environment and the existing model of creating mobile learning experience,and will discuss the instructional design principle and process,including materials,equipment and methods of mobile learning.Finally,we design mobile learning resources and activities,based on which,we provide a new comprehensive model,namely place,technology,culture and satisfaction model(LTCS).This model overcomes the problems of early models,especially the loss of multicultural support for mobile learning scheme designers.Designers can use methods of this model to integrate multidisciplinary results into a heuristic design patterns that will maximize teaching ability of mobile learning.
出处 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 2011年第7期15-20,共6页 Modern Educational Technology
基金 上海市教育委员会科研创新项目"面向普适学习的教育视频多屏合一技术研究"(项目编号:1122191)资助
关键词 移动学习 教学设计 综合模型 设计原则 mobile learning instructional design comprehensive model design principles
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