
超重、肥胖大学生体质状况的调查与分析——以沈阳农业大学为例 被引量:10

An Investigation and Analysis of the Physique of the Overweight and Obese College Students
摘要 为了解超重、肥胖大学生的体质健康现状,以随机抽取沈阳农业大学3200名学生筛选出的超重、肥胖学生为研究对象,对样本的超重、肥胖率及超重肥胖学生的体质状况进行分析,结果表明:大学生超重与肥胖的检出率呈较快增长趋势,超重及肥胖对大学生的体质健康产生较大的负面影响,超重、肥胖大学生的爆发力及心肺功能水平较差。建议将建立大学生超重与肥胖的干预机制纳入高等学校体育工作计划并付诸实施;采取多种教学手段,强化超重与肥胖大学生体育锻炼能力和体育意识;开设一些有利于超重与肥胖学生参加的健身俱乐部,培养超重与肥胖学生自觉体育锻炼的习惯;在校级或班级的体育竞赛中,增设有利于超重与肥胖学生参与的体育竞赛活动。 In order to find out the health status of the college students who are overweight and obese,in this study the overweight and obese college students were treated as our objects of study,who had been randomly selected from 3200 students of Shenyang Agricultural University.The result shows that it is getting worse and worse that some students are getting overweight and obese,which will greatly undermine the health of college students by weakening their explosive force and cardio respiratory function.Suggestions are made that an intervention mechanism that is oriented towards the overweight and obese students be built,incorporated into the university P.E.work plan and put into practice;a variety of teaching means be taken to strengthen the physical exercise and sporting consciousness of the students who are overweight and obese;some fitness clubs be set up for students to cultivate their habit of doing physical exercises;and when a grade or class holds a sport contest,add to it some suitable sporting activities for the overweight and obese students and try to make them participate in them.
作者 王汉臣 陈凯
出处 《沈阳农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第3期339-342,共4页 Journal of Shenyang Agricultural University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 沈阳农业大学青年教师科研基金资助项目(20081028)
关键词 高等学校 大学生 体育教学 超重 肥胖 体质状况 colleges and universities college student P.E.teaching overweight obesity physique
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