TOPPERS/ASP是一个基于μITRON4.0标准的开放源代码内核。介绍了TOPPERS/ASP内核向ARM架构CPU移植的相关方法。在向S3C2440 CPU的移植过程中,分析了内核的初始化流程,实现了硬件初始化代码、UART串口通信驱动、定时器计数器驱动以及基于优先级的中断处理过程。完成移植后,将内核下载到开发板上,通过串口与内核进行交互,证实了所移植的内核的正确性。
TOPPERS/ASP is an open source implementation for micro ITRON 4.0. The method to port this kernel on ARM architecture is described. During the process of porting on S3C2440 microprocessor, the startup process of this kernel is analyzed. The hardware ini- tialization program, the drivers for UART and timer and the priority - based interrupt handler program are also implemented. After fin- ishing the porting process, this kernel is downloaded to the target board and can be controlled through the serial port, and accuracy of the port kernel is proved.
Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems