

The Evolution from Modeling on Ou-Yang Xiu to Laying Equal Stress on Modeling on Su Shi and Ou-Yang Xiu in the Literary World of Two Song Dynasties and its Significance
摘要 欧阳修在北宋被尊称为"今之韩愈"。由天圣起步,庆历奠基,至嘉祐辉煌,欧门趋于兴盛,古文空前繁荣,北宋的宗欧是其时文人的共识。早在徽宗时,米芾对苏轼就有"文比欧公"的赞誉。南渡以后,苏轼更成为年轻士人尊奉的耀眼明星,文坛由宗欧转向宗欧与宗苏并重。这种变化还可以从《皇宋文鉴》、《崇古文诀》、《文章轨范》等精心选文中看出。"惟宋文章,曰欧与苏",这是南宋士人的共识,表明了北宋两大文学巨匠已成为两宋士人从文学到心灵都无限向往与极力追踪的楷模,显示出南宋人对包含文学、史学、经学等研究成就在内的博大精深的欧学与苏学的倾慕。宗欧与宗苏是对欧、苏所倡导的平易自然文风的确认,也是对欧、苏推崇创作自由、倡导不同风格发展的确认。这对宋代文学的发展,尤其是古文创作的繁荣,起了极大的推动作用。 In Northern Song dynasty Ou-Yang Xiu had been honored as "Han Yu of today".From its origination in the period of "Tian Sheng" emperor to its earlier establishment during the reign of "Qing Li" emperor and then onto its flourish in the "Jia You" reign,Ou's shool of thought had been in the ascendant against the background of unprecedented prosperity of classical Chinese prose.It's the common knowledge of scholars at the period that they had been modeling on Ou's Style and thought.As early as "Hui Zong" emperor period,Mi Fu had praised Su Shi as "parallel to master Ou in writing".After fleeing south following Jin's invasion,Su Shi became the dazzling star revered and worshipped by young scholars.Since that time the literary world witnessed the shift from modeling on Ou-Yang Xiu to laying equal stress on modeling on Ou-Yang Xiu and Su Shi,the proof of which could be found in The Best Examples of Song Period Literature,Chong Gu Wen Jue,Wen Zhang Gui Fan and other selections.The common understanding of Southern Song scholars expressed in the saying "Only Su Shi and Ou-Yang Xiu can represent the writing of Song Dynasty" shows that the two masters of literature had became the models craved for and followed passionately by scholars of that time from literature creation up to spirit pursuits,and demonstrates the admiration and adoration of Southern Song scholars towards the extensiveness and profoundness of Ou and Su's school of thought,the research of which covering various areas including literature,history,and Confucian Classics etc..Modeling on Ou-Yang Xiu and Su Shi is not only the confirmation of the plain and natural writing style proposed by them,but also the affirmation of the idea of freedom of creation and promotion of different styles valued by them.Modeling on both of them gives a great boost to the development of Song literature,particularly the prosperity of the creation in classical Chinese prose.
作者 洪本健
出处 《滁州学院学报》 2011年第3期1-5,共5页 Journal of Chuzhou University
基金 上海市教委科研创新重点项目"欧阳修研究史"(09ZS210)
关键词 两宋文坛 宗欧 宗欧与宗苏 演变 意义 Literary World of Two Song Dynasties Modeling on Ou-Yang Xiu Modeling on Ou-Yang Xiu and Su Shi Evolution Significance
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  • 2张戒.岁寒堂诗话·卷上[M].武英殿聚珍版丛书本.
  • 3陈善.扪虱新语·上集·卷1·欧公作文拟韩文[M].儒学警悟本.
  • 4王十朋.梅溪王先生文集·后集·卷27[M].四部丛刊本.
  • 5王傅.东都事略·卷72·欧阳修传[M].文海出版社印行本.
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  • 7杨万里.诚斋策问·卷上·问本朝欧苏二公文章[M].豫章丛书本.
  • 8楼钥.攻魄集·卷52·静退居士文集序[M].四部丛刊本.
  • 9黄震.黄氏日钞·卷61[M].耕馀楼刊本.
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