

Experiment of flow resistance for novel regenerator with combined radial and axial filling
摘要 对新型径轴向混合填充式回热器的流动特性进行了实验研究。实验结果表明:在工质体积流量相同的条件下,新型径轴向混合填充式回热器的稳态流动阻力系数f小于层叠丝网型回热器,而大于丝网卷裹型回热器和平行丝型回热器;在相同体积流量下,以He为工质的稳态流动阻力系数f是以N2为工质时的3.4—3.6倍;回热器稳态流动阻力系数f主要与回热器结构形式和工质雷诺数Re有关,受工质种类的影响不大。 Flow resistance of novel cryocooler regenerator with combined radial filling and axial filling was studied by experiment.The experimental results show that the steady flow friction factor f of the novel cryocooler regenerator with combined radial filling and axial filling is less than that of mesh screen regenerator and is larger than that of mesh scroll and parallel wire regenerator at the same volume flow.The steady flow friction factor f of He is 3.4-3.6 times larger of N2 at the same volume flow,the steady flow friction factor f is mainly related to the regenerator matrix structure and Reynolds number,while nothing to do with the gas type.
出处 《低温工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期3-6,共4页 Cryogenics
基金 国家自然科学基金(50906054) 教育部博士点新教师基金项目(20093120120006) 上海市研究生创新基金(JWCX-SL1002)资助
关键词 回热器 流动阻力系数 径轴向混合填充 regenerator flow friction factor combined radial and axial filling
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