
巴蜀易学源流考 被引量:4

Textual Research on the Origin and Development of the Yi Studies in Bashu
摘要 巴蜀易学素有渊源,两汉为滥觞期,六朝为续传期,唐代为总结期,两宋为高峰期,元明以下则为流衍期。自两汉迄清末,历代巴蜀易学著作约有180余种;数量虽然不多,然特征却很鲜明,流派众多,"四道"毕备,其"尚辞"者则有苏轼之《苏氏易传》,"尚象""尚变"者则有李鼎祚之《集解》、来知德之《集注》,其"尚占"者则如汉严遵,而尤以卜筮易、道家易源远流长。至于《易》《老》兼治者,则有严遵、扬雄;发明图书易者,则如陈抟、胡世安;其以佛陀解《易》者,则有苏轼、龙昌期。至于仿圣拟经,由扬雄开其先(撰《太玄》),而王长文(撰《通玄经》)、卫元嵩(《元苞》)诸人继其事,成为巴蜀易学之一大特色。后之治《易》《玄》,谈《图》《书》者,皆以蜀学发其轫。刘咸炘曰:"易学在蜀(伊川语),如诗之有唐矣。"(《蜀学论》)信然。 The Studies of Change in the Bashu (mainly today's Sichuan Province) possesses an age-old origin. The Han dynasties ( 206 BCE-220 CE ) witnessed its beginning period, the Southern and Northern dynasties ( 420-589 ) its continued dissemination, the Tang dynasty ( 618-907 ) its summarization, the Song dynasty, ( 960-1279 ) its peak, and after the Yuan ( 1206-1368 ) and Ming (1368-1644) dynasties its declining. From the Han to the end of the Qing dynasty ( 1616-1911 ) , there were over 180 works of the Studies of Change from Bashu. Though the number is not large, the characteristics are distinctive and the schools are in variety, including all the four aspects of the Change. That which upholds the connotations of the hexagram and line statements was represented by SU Shi's ( 1037-1101 ) Commentaries; that which stresses images and changes was represented by LI Dingzuo's Zhouyijifie and LAI Zhide's ( 1526-1604 ) Ji zhu; that which attaches importance to divination was represented by YAN Zhunh lore of the Han dynasty. The divinatory and Daoist studies of Change in Bashu particularly own a long history. Those who stress beth the Change and Lao zi include YAN Zhun and YANG Xiong (53 BCE-18 CE ) ; those who developed the learning of the River Map and Luo Chart were represented by CHEN Tuan and HU Shian ( ? -1663 ) ; those who interpreted the Change by Buddhism include SUShi and LONG Qichang; those who simulated the sages and create classics were initiated by YANG Xiong who composed Tat xuan and followed by WANG Changwen who authored Tong xuanjing and WEI Yuansong who wrote Yuan bao, which particularly characterize the studies of Change of Bashu. Those who explored the Change, Tat xuan, River Map, and Luo Chart were all based upon the learning of Shu. It is much creditable as LIU Xianxin ( 1896-1932 ) stated : "The position of the studies of Change in Shu is just like the position of poetry in the Tang dynasty (when the poetry was most in vogue)".
出处 《周易研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期25-33,共9页 Studies of Zhouyi
基金 国家社科基金重大委托项目:"巴蜀全书"(10@zh005)
关键词 巴蜀文化 蜀学 易学史 中国儒学 culture of Bashu learning of Shu history of the Yi studies Chinese Confucianism
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