
近5年国外护理管理研究热点的共词聚类分析 被引量:7

Bibliometric analysis of literatures for research on nursing administration
摘要 目的:分析近5年国外护理管理领域的研究热点,为进一步的科研实践提供理论指导。方法:检索PubM ed数据库中近5年发表的有关护理管理的文献,统计主题词出现的频次,截取频次大于等于15次的主题词作为高频主题词并生成词篇共现矩阵,然后利用PA SW 18.0统计软件对高频主题词进行同篇聚类分析,并描绘聚类关系图。结果:共检出护理管理相关文献793篇,统计出高频主题词44个。聚类分析显示高频主题词主要聚类于6个类别。结论:近5年以来护理管理领域的研究热点主要集中在从心理学角度进行护理管理工作;从心理学角度对护士进行组织管理和基于循证医学的护理管理研究;护理管理研究过程中的数据收集方法,护士人事管理和工作量的评估;护理质量管理(护理质量指标)和安全管理、不同岗位间有组织的决策;护士继续教育;执业护士的组织和管理;护士管理人员的护理管理研究。 Objective To analyze the research on nursing administration and to provide the theoretical guidance for further research.Methods Pubmed was searched for articles on nursing administration published in the past 5 years,high-frequency subject headings related to research on nursing administration were idetified and the high-frequency key words were clustered according to their frequency of appearance in the searched articles.Results 793 articles,44 high-frequency key words on nursing administration,and six clustering categories of high-frequency key words were identified through clustering analysis.Conclusion The clustering categories analysis results suggested that the research on nursing administration mainly convered upon nursing management from a psychological point,nursing management research by evidence-based medicine method,data collection methods during nursing management,staff management and workload assessment,quality management of nursing home care,nursing quality management(quality indicators) and safety management,interprofessional decision-making,nurses further education,organization and management of nurse practitioners.
作者 于秀芬
机构地区 吉林医药学院
出处 《中国农村卫生事业管理》 2011年第8期822-825,共4页 Chinese Rural Health Service Administration
关键词 护理管理 文献计量学 聚类分析 高频主题词 nursing administration bibliometrics cluster analysis high-frequency subject headings
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