
基于低碳经济视角下青海湖景区的建设 被引量:1

Developing Qinghai Lake Scenic Zone Based on the Perspective of Low Carbon Economy
摘要 青海湖景区是青海最具影响力的景区,把它建设成为低碳旅游景区,对青海旅游产业发展具有重要的现实意义。本文基于低碳理念,分析了青海湖低碳景区建设的优势和挑战,进而提出科学规划和建设景区,提倡低碳环保;加强对游客的宣传和低碳理念培训,倡导低碳旅行观念;景区配置低碳旅游设施;推进景区旅游智能化发展;培养低碳旅游专业人才等五个方面的建设意见。 Qinghai Lake scenic zone is the most famous scenic zone in Qinghai province.It is of great significance to develop Qinghai Lake scenic zone into a low carbon tourist attraction.Based on a low carbon perspective,this paper analyzes the advantages and challenges in the process of developing Qinghai Lake low carbon scenic zone,it further advocates the low carbon environment protection and comes up with the scientific planning to develop the scenic zone.The paper discusses the developing strategies for the following five aspects: the publicity and trainings of low carbon mentality to the tourists;advocating low carbon tourism;equipping the scenic zone with tourism facilities;intelligence development of the scenic zone;training low-carbon tourism professionals.
作者 张剑勇
出处 《青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2011年第4期13-15,共3页 Journal of Qinghai Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 低碳经济 旅游 青海湖 Low-carbon economy Tourism Qinghai Lake
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