

Anchoring and Adjustment Effect in the Illusion of Transparency
摘要 根据锚定及其调节效应的理论解释,通过两个情境实验对被洞悉错觉产生过程中的锚定及其调节效应进行研究。研究表明,在紧张、愉快情绪状态下个体均倾向高估他人对自己内部状态的洞悉水平,即产生被洞悉错觉。内心感受强度,即锚定值对被洞悉错觉的产生有重要影响;而有无认知负荷,即认知状态在被洞悉错觉产生过程中与锚定值的调节水平无关,对被洞悉错觉是否发生亦没有明显作用。 According to the theoretical explanation of anchoring and adjustment effect,we attempt to investigate the anchoring and adjustment effect during the process of illusion of transparency through two situational experiments.Research shows that,individuals are prone to overestimate the extent to which others can read their internal states under the nervous or happy mood state.The intensity of feelings,the anchor values had important influence on the illusion of transparency.But as for cognitive load,namely it has nothing to do with the adjustment level whether in cognitive busy in the process of illusion.
出处 《社会心理科学》 2011年第7期19-25,共7页 Science of Social Psychology
基金 教育部人文社会科学规划项目(08JAXLX008) 辽宁省教育科学"十一五"规划项目(JG08DB017)
关键词 被洞悉错觉 锚定值 认知负荷 调节水平 Illusion of Transparency Anchor Cognitive load Adjustment Level
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