
基于可变S盒的随机加密方案 被引量:3

Random encryption scheme based on variable S-boxes
摘要 研究了可变随机S盒对分组密码安全性的意义,给出了一种新的使用可变随机S盒的随机化分组密码算法,并在此基础上提出了相应的加密方案:在分组密码算法中,保持算法结构不变,将S盒作为变量,利用可变的S盒来抵御密码分析.随后给出安全性评估,证明该方案提高了分组密码抵抗目前已知攻击的能力.最后从S盒的生成方式与算法结构两方面讨论了改进策略. How the variable S-boxes would affect the security of the block cipher was studied and a new block cipher using random variable S-boxes was presented.A new encryption scheme based on such block cipher was put forward: the structure of the original encryption algorithm was kept,the S-box was taken as a variable and variable S-box was used instead of the primary one,which could increase the resistance against those known attacks.The security evaluation proves the scheme secure.Furthermore,a discussion on the improvement about the generation of the S-boxes and structure of the algorithms was given.
出处 《北京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第7期811-816,共6页 Journal of Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
基金 973国家重点基础研究发展计划资助项目(2005CB321902)
关键词 密码学 数据安全 随机数发生器 分组密码 密码分析 cryptography security of data random number generation block cipher cryptanalysis
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