Objectives: To aware status of hospital patient relationship, analyze unharmonious factors influencing hospital patient relationship and find countermeasures by questionnaire. Methods: Two tertiary hospitals and a secondary hospital were seleeted to receive questionnaire survey. 1200 questionnaires, including 700 patient questionnaire and 500 doctor questionnaires were earried out. SPSS16.0 X 2 was used as an analysis tool to find the consistent and different between doctor and patient and influence factors. ]Results: The overall assessment and influence factors of hospital patient relationship are different between doctors and patients. Most of patient supporl that current hospital patient relationship is harmonious or just so so. Doctors' awareness is even worse. Patients think that doctor' s poor communication capacity, patient lack of professional medical knowledge and irrational thoughts, and lack of government monitoring are the main factors influencing hospital patient relationship. Doctors think doctor' s poor communication capacity, mistrust and prejudiee, low payment and inadequate government health input are the main factors influencing hospital patient relationship. Conelusions: Doctor and patient relationship do have some unharmonious factors but the awareness on its influence factors is different between doctors and patients. Building a harmonious hospital patient relationship is a systematic engineering whieh needs everyone' s effort. As a service provider, hospital should carry out countermeasures to build harmonious hospital patient relationship.
Chinese Hospitals
hospital patient relationship, analysis, countermeasure