
终末期肾病患者发生缺血性心脏病的危险因素分析 被引量:1

Analysis of risk factors of ischemic heart disease( IHD ) in end stage renal disease(ESRD) patients
摘要 目的探讨终末期肾病患者发生缺血性心脏病的危险因素。方法选取终末期肾病患者102例,根据缺血性心脏病确认标准分为缺血性心脏病组52例,无缺血性心脏病组50例。记录两组患者年龄、性别、原发病、透析龄,同时记录血生化指标血尿酸、血红蛋白、血浆白蛋白、总蛋白、胆固醇、甘油三酯、低密度脂蛋白、血钙、血磷、全段甲状旁腺素(iPTH)、25-(OH)D、尿素氮和肌酐水平。结果缺血性心脏病组血浆总蛋白、白蛋白(28.13±1.07比35.44±1.08)、血红蛋白(80.63±3.24比96.54±4.51)、血肌酐、25-(OH)D(9.31±0.64比15.22±1.09)水平均低于无缺血性心脏病组(P〈0.05或P〈0.01);而年龄、血胆固醇、尿酸(484.27±26.34比365.22±20.76)水平则明显高于无缺血性心脏病组(P〈0.01)。二分类Logistic回归分析显示,血浆白蛋白、胆固醇、血红蛋白、血尿酸、25-(OH)D可能是终末期肾病患者发生缺血性心脏病的危险因素。结论缺血性心脏病是终末期肾病患者常见的并发症之一,血脂异常、营养不良、贫血、高血尿酸、低血25-(OH)D是终末期。肾病患者发生缺血性心脏病的重要危险因素。 Objective To investigate the risk factors of ischemie heart disease (IHD) in end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients. Methods 102 ESRD patients were divided into IHD group(n=52) and no IHD group (n=50) according to confirmation standards of IHD, we IHD group(n=52) and no IHD group(n=50). Age, gender, primary diseases and dialysis time of two groups were recorded. Serum uric acid, hemoglobin, plasma-albumin, total protein, cholesterol, Triglyeeride, low density lipoprotein, calcium, phosphorus, parathyroid hormone (iPTH), 25-(OH)D, urea nitrogen, creatinine were recorded, too. Results Plasma-albumin (28.13=1:1.07 vs 35.44±1.08), total protein, creatinine, hemoglobin (80.63±3.24 vs 96.54±4.51) and 25-(OH)D (9.31±0.64 vs 15.22±1.09) in IHD group were lower than no IHD group(P〈0.05 or P〈0.01 ), but age, cholesterol and uric acid (484.27±26.34 vs 365.22±20.76) in IHD group were higher than no IHD group (P〈0.01). Logistic regression analysis showed that plasma-albumin, cholesterol, low density lipoprotein, uric acid,hemoglobin and 25-(OH)D were the significant risk factors of IHD in ESRD patients. Conclusion IHD is the most frequent complication in ESRD patients. Dyslipidemia, malnutrition, high blood uric acid, anemia and low 25-(OH)D are the significant risk factors of IHD in ESRD patients.
作者 滕兰波 常明
出处 《中国心血管病研究》 CAS 2011年第8期599-602,共4页 Chinese Journal of Cardiovascular Research
关键词 终末期.肾病 缺血性心脏病 End stage renal disease(ESRD ) Ischemic heart disease(IHD)
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