
师范类女大学生对男性面孔偏爱内隐态度研究 被引量:1

A Study on the Implicit Attitude of Girl College Stud-ents of Teacher-Training Major towards Male Faces
摘要 为了探讨师范类女大学生对男性面孔的偏好,本研究运用SC-IAT范式和EAST范式测量师范类女大学生的内隐社会认知。实验一运用阴柔男性面孔图片当做实验材料,实验二运用阴柔男性和阳刚男性的面孔图片当做刺激材料,结果发现:①师范女大学生对阴柔男性面孔图片无明显偏好。②师范类女大学生偏爱阳刚男性面孔图片。 In order to explore the preference of girl college students of teacher-training major to male faces,this research utilizes SC-IAT paradigm and EAST paradigm to measure their implicit social cognition.Experiment1 uses the pictures of male faces with more feminine features as experiment mat-erial,while Experiment2 uses ones with more virile features to contrast with former ones.The research shows that:girls of teacher-training major don t hve obvious preference to mal-efaces with more feminine features they prefer male faces with more virile features.
出处 《科教文汇》 2011年第24期173-174,共2页 Journal of Science and Education
关键词 内隐态度 男性面孔 SC-IAT范式 EAST范式 implicit attitude male faces SC-IAT paradigm EAST paradigm
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