从某企业信息化管理的实际需求出发,利用ASP.NET技术和SQL Server2005数据库,开发了一个基于B/S模式的企业计划管理系统。该系统采用4层架构模型,使用面向对象的程序设计语言C#,实现了员工计划制定、领导任务下达、实时消息提醒、信息在线传递、历史记录统计等功能。对系统的结构、主要功能模块和关键技术做了详细描述,并从系统的性能优化和安全方面考虑。目前该系统已投入使用,且运行效果良好。
According to the practical requirements of the information management of one enterprise,a based on B/S model enterprise plan management system was developed by taking advantage of the ASP.NET technologys and SQL Server2005 database.The system adopts four-tier structure model,uses object-oriented programming language C#,and realizes these functions,such as planning,task assignment,real-time message alerts,delivering online information,and statistics.The main function modules and the key technology are described in detail,also the performance optimization and the security were considered.The system has worked well since put into use.
Automation & Instrumentation