开发基于Java技术的Web用户界面一直存在着开发难度较大、效率较低的问题。一种新标准框架Java Server Faces(JSF)可以很好地解决上述问题。本文介绍了JSF框架和Hibernate技术内涵,从应用出发,讨论二者整合的可行性,并提出了一种在web开发中整合JSF框架和Hibernate技术的模式,最后分析了这钟方案的优缺点和发展趋势。
The development of a Web user interface based on Java technology, has the problems of low efficiency and big difficulty. A new standard framework Java Server Faces (JSF) can solve the above problems. This article introduces the JSF framework and Hibernate technical content, from the application point of view, the two discussed the feasibility of integration, and a web in the development of the JSF framework and Hibernate integration technology model, and analysis the advantages and disadvantages.
Computer & Telecommunication