
基于随机Petri网的集束装备模型及马尔可夫链分析 被引量:4

Cluster Tools Model and Markov Chain Analysis Based on Stochastic Petri Nets
摘要 为了分析集束装备的性能,采用随机Petri网建模方法描述装备串行加工过程.采用自底向上方式,首先建立集束装备各组成模块的基本模型,然后根据实际的加工过程构造出整个装备的随机Petri网模型.给出了模型的马尔可夫链分析过程,进一步推导出装备的吞吐率和加工腔体的利用率.结果表明,该模型不仅可以表现集束装备的并发性,而且能表示出设备操作时间的随机性.该方法能够有效地描述和分析集束装备的加工过程. In order to analyze the performance of cluster tools,stochastic Petri nets approach is used to model the serial production process of cluster tools.With "top down" methods,the basic models of tool’s modules are developed firstly.Then,according to the actual production process,all the basic models are combined to construct a stochastic Petri nets model of the production system.Markov chain analysis process based on the model is provided.Furthermore,the system throughput and the usage rate of every production chambers are deduced.The result shows that the model not only represents the concurrent activity of cluster tools,but also describes the stochastic occurrence times of all activities.This method can effectively describe and analyze the production process of cluster tools.
出处 《信息与控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期477-482,共6页 Information and Control
基金 国家科技重大专项课题资助项目(2009ZX02001-005 2009ZX02008-003) 沈阳市科技计划资助项目(108155-2-00)
关键词 随机PETRI网 模型 集束装备 马尔可夫链 吞吐率 stochastic Petri net model cluster tool Markov chain throughput
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