
2μm激光治疗前列腺增生的Meta分析 被引量:1

A Meta-analysis of 2 micron continuous wave laser vaporesection for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
摘要 目的分析用经尿道2μm激光与经尿道前列腺电切术(TURP)治疗前列腺增生(BPH)疗效差别,为临床上选择治疗BPH的方法提供循证依据。方法制定原始文献的纳入标准、排除标准及检索策略,在美国医学索引(MEDLINE)、荷兰医学文摘(EMBASE)药理学分册、中国生物医学文摘(CBMA)、及Cochrane图书馆(CL)内进行相关的随机对照试验的检索、质量评价和资料提取。应用RevMan5.0软件进行数据处理。结果纳入符合标准的4篇进入Meta分析。Meta分析结果显示:(1)与TURP治疗BPH相比,2μm激光的术中出血少、导尿管留置时间短、住院天数短、术后并发症如尿道狭窄少,且术后生活质量评分高。结论当前证据表明,2μm激光对前列腺组织损伤小,术中出血少,是一种疗效可靠、并发症少的治疗BPH的微创术式。 Objective To analyze the efficacy differences between 2 micron Continuous Wave Laser and transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Methods The related original studies only including randomized controlled trials aI1 over the world were searched by databases of PubMed, EMBASE, SCI, the Cochrane Library, CNKI, VIP, CBM and Wanfang. The databases were updated to September 2010. Four related journals were hand-searched. Meta-analysis was performed by RevMan5.0 software. Results Nine studies involving 424 patients were enrolled for Meta-analysis. Meta-analysis showed that perioperative bleeding, time of the mean hospital stay, time of indwelling urethral catheter, number of urethral stricture in the HoLRBT group were lower than those of the TURP, whereas the quality of life was higher in the HoLRBT group. Conclusion Two micron laser is a feasible, safe, and effective treatment method for benign prostatic hyperplasia(BPH).
作者 吴刚 谷宝军
出处 《中国男科学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2011年第7期41-45,49,共6页 Chinese Journal of Andrology
关键词 前列腺增生 2ΜM激光 电切 META分析 benign prostatic hyperplasia 2 micron laser electroresection Meta-analysis
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