
精神科非自愿住院的标准和程序 被引量:6

Legal standards and procedures of involuntary admission in mental health care
摘要 文章分析比较了国外精神卫生立法中对精神科非自愿住院的标准和程序设置。虽然基本成分相似,但各国强制住院程序设计上仍有不同,这在很大程度上反映了国家或社会在维护患者个人权益及保障大众安全之间寻求平衡时文化和价值观上的差异。 The legal frameworks on criteria and procedures of involuntary admission or hospitalization in many western countries were reviewed. The authors found that although there were a lot of similarities among legislations in basic components of involuntary care, still various measures on procedural arrangement existed. The widely differs all over the world reflects the differences in cultural tradition and social values to the notion of balancing personal rights and public security.
作者 邵阳 谢斌
出处 《神经疾病与精神卫生》 2011年第4期325-328,共4页 Journal of Neuroscience and Mental Health
关键词 非自愿住院 标准 程序 Involuntary admission Standard Procedure
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