目的评价细胞DNA倍体定量分析技术在宫颈癌普查中的应用价值。方法对参与宫颈癌普查的7 735例女性采用宫颈刷取材。液基处理后制成标本片2张,分别进行巴氏染色和Feulgen-Thionin染色。对巴氏染色片做常规细胞学检查,用全自动细胞DNA倍体定量分析系统对Feulgen染色片行细胞核DNA定量分析。结果常规细胞学检查共发现269例异常,DNA倍体分析技术发现462例异常。共取活检776例,发现CINⅡ以上病变147例,DNA倍体分析技术只有1例CINⅡ漏诊,相对敏感性为83.6%,相对特异性为96.7%。采用常规细胞学检测相对敏感性为61.9%,相对特异性为98.3%,虽然阳性预期值略高于DNA倍体分析技术,但有29例漏诊。结论细胞DNA倍体定量分析技术较常规细胞学敏感性高,特异性也较好,可作为宫颈癌普查的方法之一。
Objective To evaluate the clinical value of automated DNA image cytometry in cervical cancer or pre-cancer detection.Methods A total of 7735 women were enrolled in the study.Samples were taken with a cervix brush and transported into a fixative solution.Two slides were made from each sample: one stained with Feulgen DNA specific stain and the other Pap stained.Results Based on 776 patients for whom colposcopically directed biopsies were read by 3 intern pathologists and using CIN2+ histopathology as the positivity threshold and gold standard.The respective sensitivity and specificity were: 61.9% and 98.3% for conventional cytology;83.6% and 96.7% for DNA ploidy test.Conclusion Automated DNA image cytometry may be a useful tool for cervical cancer screening in developing countries and has a competitive sensitivity and specificity,compared with conventional cytology.
Chinese Journal of Diagnostic Pathology