2011年7月,共有20家金融机构向全国银行间同业拆借中心提交加入"中国票据网"的申请材料,并通过审核成为"中国票据网"成员。截至2011年7月末,票据网成员累计1796家。201 1年7月,共有357家金融机构发送报价1733笔,环比增长11%;金额累计7972亿元,环比增长23%。
In July 2011, 20 financial institutions applied to the National Interbank Funding Center for membership of the www.chinacp.com.cn, and were approved after examination. As of the end of July, there were a total of 1796 members of www.chinacp.com.cn. In July, 357 financial institutions made 797.2 billion yuan worth of 1733 quotes, up 23% and 11% month- on-month respectively.
China Money