介绍了一种全新的VVT及VVL装置设计方案,并介绍了该装置的结构,分析了其工作原理,同时设计了一种应用于该装置的特殊的凸轮型线,并采用AVL TYCON软件建立了阀系的TYCON模型,对装置进行了动力学计算分析。结果显示,在不同的发动机转速下,随着间隙γ的变化,气门正时及气门升程随之改变,气门正时改变量达60℃aA,气门升程从怠速时的5 mm改变到标定转速时的8mm,在整个发动机工作转速范围内没有发现气门落座反跳现象。
This paper presents a novel VVT and VVL mechanism of an engine and its principle has been analyzed based on a new developed special cam profile. TYCON model of a valve train has been built in AVL TYCON software and performs dynamic simulation calculation. The result of simulation calculation shows that valve timing and valve lift changes with variation of clearance γ The valve timing changes by up to 60℃aA and valve lift changes from 5 mm at idle engine speed to 8mm at rated engine speed. No valve seating bounce has been found in whole engine speed range.
Small Internal Combustion Engine and Motorcycle