

Sample survey and analysis of the academic misconduct of medical papers in Guangxi Medicine
摘要 目的了解《广西医学》杂志来稿中学术不端论文的状况并分析其产生的成因,以采取应对策略和措施。方法用科技期刊学术不端文献检测系统(ANLC,中国科技期刊光盘版电子杂志社研制)检测《广西医学》杂志2010-01~2010-05的1 358篇来稿,随机选取500篇进行统计,比较、分析不同体裁、不同级别的论文学术不端行为的区别和文字重合的原因。结果 500篇医学论文有文字重合者占69.8%,重合比例>20.0%的论文达51.8%,其中以县级以下医疗单位的医学论文及护理论文较为突出。重合文字主要分布在方法(包括诊断标准、疗效标准、治疗方法和统计学方法等)和讨论部分。究其原因与学术评估体制、作者的学术作风、引用参考文献不当及医学论文书写格式的诸多共性特点等有关。结论 AMLC是发现医学论文学术不端表现的有效工具,但要对重合的部分作出定性仍须根据论文的具体情况和专家审稿意见进行判定,正确区分合理引用与复制的界限,以促进学术交流的健康发展。 Objective To analyze the situation and the causation of academic misconduct in the journal of Guangxi Medicine, and finding suitable measures to avoid academic misconduct. Methods Five hundred medical papers were selected randomly from 1358 medical papers of Guangxi Medical Journal between January 2011 and May 2011, Academic Misconduct Literature Check system (AMLC) was used to detect the rate of coincidence. The difference of academic misconduct of styles and classes in medical papers was compared and the reasons of text coincidence were analyzed. Results 69. 8% of text coincidence was found in the 500 medical papers, the coincidence rate was higher from 20. 0% to 51.8%, and was particular higher in county medical units and nursing fields. The text coincidence was mainly distributed in the part of methods ( including diagnostic criteria, criterion of therapeutic effect, therapeutic method and statistical methods) and discussion. The reasons of the academic misconduct of medical papers were attributed to the evaluation system of academic, author's academic conduct, improper of reference citation and the common characteristics of writing form of medical papers. Conclusion AMLC is an effective tool to detect the academic misconduct of medical papers, but the characterization of text coincidence should be determined in accordance with the actual circumstances of papers and expert opinions. The rightly differentiation for the threshold of reasonable application and copy are guarantee to the improvement the academic exchange and development.
作者 杨柱星
出处 《中国临床新医学》 2011年第8期782-785,共4页 CHINESE JOURNAL OF NEW CLINICAL MEDICINE
基金 广西壮族自治区卫生厅自筹经费科研课题(编号:Z2010443)
关键词 学术不端表现 学术不端文献检测系统(AMLC) 医学论文 Academic misconduct Academic Misconduct Literature Check Medical papers
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