
农村青年男女自杀死亡者自杀行为特征比较 被引量:3

Comparison of suicidal behavior characteristics between rural young male and female completed suicides
摘要 目的比较农村青年男女自杀死亡者的自杀行为特征,为制订自杀预防和干预策略提供科学依据。方法采用心理解剖研究方法,对辽宁、山东、湖南3省16个县/市通过序贯抽样方法抽取的392例15-34岁农村自杀死亡者的784名信息人进行面访调查。结果自杀高峰期男性为4月30日-7月16日,女性为6月21日-9月21日;自杀时点男性集中于11∶21-15∶49,女性集中于11∶03-13∶56;选择在家中和家外自杀的男性分别占64.5%和35.0%,女性分别占72.5%和25.3%,不同性别自杀死亡者选择的自杀地点不同(χ^2=3.91,P〈0.05);男性的自杀方式主要为服农药(66.8%)、自溢(11.7%)和溺水(5.1%),女性主要为服农药(65.7%)、服其他毒药(10.7%)和自溢(9.0%),不同性别自杀死亡者选择的自杀方式不同(χ^2=7.27,P〈0.01);男性和女性自杀死亡者自杀意图客观环境量表得分分别为(8.40±3.33)和(8.13±3.23)分,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);不同性别自杀死亡者自杀意图客观环境比较,自杀行为准备差异有统计学意义(χ^2=6.54,P〈0.05),隔离性、可干预性、防范性、寻求帮助、后事安排、行动前提到自杀企图和写遗言、遗书或有关日记差异均无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论农村青年男女自杀死亡者的自杀时间、自杀地点、自杀方式等自杀行为特征不同。 Objective To compare the characteristics of suicidal behavior between rural young male and female completed suicides. Methods From 16 counties or county-level cities in Liaoning, Shandong, and Hunan provinces, we consecutively sampled randomly 392 completed suicides aged 15 - 34 years. We used psychological autopsy method to investigate 784 informants of the 392 completed suicides with face-to-face interviews. Results The peak suicide periods for male suicides were from 30th April to 16th July,while for female suicides they were from 21th June to 21th September. The peak suicide time for male suicides was from 11:21 am to 3:49 pm,while for female suicides was from 11:03 am to 1:56 pm. Compared to male suicides, the female suicides were more likely to commit suicide indoor(x^2 = 3.91, P 〈 0. 05 ) and use a moderate method (ingestion of poison) for suicide (X^2 = 7. 27, P 〈 0. 01 ). Both the male and female suicides had medium suicidal intents ( 8. 40 ± 3. 33 for male,8. 13 ± 3.23 for female) ,but there was no significant gender difference ( t = 0. 81,P 〉 0. 05 ). However, female suicides had significantly less preparation than their counterparts before suicidal behavior (X^2 = 6. 54, P 〈 0. 05 ). Conclusion There are certain differences in suicidal behaviors between Chinese rural young men and women.
作者 孔媛媛 张杰
出处 《中国公共卫生》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第9期1102-1104,共3页 Chinese Journal of Public Health
基金 美国国立精神卫生研究院课题NIMHGrant(R01MH068560)
关键词 自杀行为 特征 自杀死亡者 农村青年 suicidal behavior characteristics completed suicide rural young people
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