
黄淮海地区夏玉米农艺性状与产量的通径分析 被引量:46

Path analysis of summer maize agronomic traits and yield in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain
摘要 为应对当前黄淮海地区农业用水紧缺的情况,选育和推广高水分利用率的高产夏玉米品种是一项重要措施。本试验采用完全随机设计,对黄淮海区域11个主推夏玉米品种在灌溉1水条件下的农艺性状、产量和水分利用率进行通径分析与主成分分析,结果表明:"滑丰8号"、"蠡玉18"、"浚单20"和"冀玉3号"的产量均超过10 000 kg.hm-2,且这4个品种的水分利用率均在3.0 kg.m-3以上,属于水分利用率高的超高产品种;"源申213"和"中科11"产量超过9 000 kg.hm-2,其水分利用率也均大于2.7 kg.m-3,属水分利用率较高的高产品种;"浚单18"、"登海662"、"冀农1号"和"登海超级玉米"产量均超过8 000 kg.hm-2,其水分利用率在2.3-2.7 kg.m-3之间,属稳产品种。主成分分析及综合评价排名的结果表明,"冀玉3号"、"蠡玉18"、"滑丰8号"和"浚单20"4个品种综合表现优异,可以作为抗旱节水高产品种在黄淮海地区大面积推广。通径分析结果表明,7个主要农艺性状对产量的综合效应排名为:芯重>百粒重>行粒数>秃尖长度>粒长>棒长>行数。芯重、行粒数和百粒重对产量的直接正效应最大,秃尖长度对产量的直接负效应最大。以上结果为黄淮地区抗旱节水高产玉米品种选育和推广提供了重要信息。 The increasing water shortage in the agricultural sector in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain(3HP) necessitates the selection and growing of more summer maize varieties with high yield and water use efficiency(WUE).A total of 11 hybrid maize varieties(commonly grown in the 3HP) were selected and planted in a random design and water-saving condition.The crops were irrigated only once at seeding stage.The agronomic traits,WUE and yield of the crops were analyzed via path coefficient and principal component analysis.The results showed that the yields of "Huafeng 8","Liyu 18","Jundan 20" and "Jiyu 3" exceeded 10 000 kg-hm-2 with WUE greater than 3.0 kg-m-3.This set of crops belonged to high WUE and super-high-yield type hybrid maize vari-ety.Yields of "Yuanshen 213" and "Zhongke 11" were greater than 9 000 kg-hm-2 with WUE of at least 2.7 kg-m-3,this set of crops belonged to high WUE and high-yield type hybrid maize variety.The yields of "Jundan 18","Denghai 662","Jinong 1" and "Denghaichaoji" were higher than 8 000 kg-hm-2 with WUE of 2.3-2.7 kg-m-3,and which belonged to the stable-yield type hy-brid maize variety.Principal component analysis showed that "Jiyu 3","Liyu 18","Huafeng 8" and "Jundan 20" were excellent varieties in terms of drought-resistance,water-saving and high-yield traits,and should therefore be widely cultivated in the study area of 3HP.Also based on path analysis,the comprehensive effects of 7 main agronomic traits on yield ranked as follows: core weight 100-grain weight row kernel number bald point length kernel length ear length ear row number.Whereas core weight,row kernel number and 100-grain weight had the most positive direct effect on yield,bald era length had the most nega-tive effect on yield.The results of this study laid the basis for the selection and promotion of maize varieties with good traits for drought-resistance,water-saving and high-yield in the 3HP region.
出处 《中国生态农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期1229-1236,共8页 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(2010CB951500)资助
关键词 黄淮海平原 夏玉米 通径分析 主成分分析 农艺性状 水分利用率 产量 Huang-Huai-Hai Plain Summer maize Path analysis Principal component analysis Agronomic traits Water use efficiency Yield
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