

A Design on Weighted Value Electronic Voting Scheme
摘要 基于超椭圆曲线密码体制盲签名协议和比特承诺协议,设计了一种带权值的电子表决方案,该方案满足秘密性、完整性、匿名性、公平性、可验证性等特点,通信代价比较低,适合公司股权表决等表决人权重不同的特殊表决需求。 A weighted value electronic voting scheme is proposed by using HCC Blind Signature and bit commitment.This protocol has the following properties simultaneously: privacy-preserving,completeness,voter's anonymity,fairness and public verifiability.It has small communication complexity,and is suitable for company's shareholders voting and other special cases that voters have different rights.
作者 万世昌
出处 《商洛学院学报》 2011年第4期34-36,55,共4页 Journal of Shangluo University
基金 商洛学院科研基金项目(11SKY101)
关键词 电子表决 权值 超椭圆曲线 盲签名 electronic voting right HCC blind signature
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