

The Characteristics of Path Loss in Heterogeneous Scattering Channels of Wireless Relay Sensor Networks
摘要 使用点渗流网格建模无线传播信道,使用酒徒行走模型建模电磁波在传感信道中的传播过程。酒徒经过k步后,得到某个扇区内取向角均匀分布的随机游走的平均行走距离。在此基础上,得到随机射线在传播空间给定位置的概率分布,最后使用随机射线方法得到了放大传送模式下传感网络的路径损耗模型。该模型中出现指数为1.75的距离r的对数函数形式,以及距离的线性项,该项作为新模型的修正项。 The point percolation is used to model wireless communication channels,and the drinker walk model is used to describe electromagnetic wave propagation in the sensor channels.The average walking distance from the orientation after drinker walks k steps satisfying the uniform distribution in a sector is obtained.The probability distribution of stochastic rays that undergoes certain number of collisions at a specific spatial location is derived.Finally,the path loss model of sensor networks with amplify-and-forward mode is obtained.Its exponential loss factor,a coefficient of the logarithm of the distance,is 1.75.And there is an addition of the linear term of the distance as a modified item in path loss model.
出处 《中国电子科学研究院学报》 2011年第4期411-414,419,共5页 Journal of China Academy of Electronics and Information Technology
基金 江苏省自然科学基金项目(BK2009567,BK2009132) 江苏出入境检验检疫局科研项目(2010KJ22) 苏州市科研项目(SWG0913,SYJG0925)资助课题
关键词 无线中继传感网络 电波传播 信道模型 协作通信 酒徒行走问题 Wireless relay sensor network radio propagation channel models cooperative diversity drinker walk problems
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