以滦河流域5个气象站1957—2008年的气象资料和4个水文站1956—2000年的天然径流资料为基础,采用Mann-Kendall非参数趋势检验法、累计距平法、滑动平均法等方法,分析了流域内气温、日照时数、降水量、相对湿度等主要气象要素以及径流量的变化趋势。结果表明:绝大部分气象站点的年均气温都表现出显著上升趋势,Kendall倾向度为0.28~0.43℃/10a;年日照时数均呈显著减少趋势,Kendall倾向度为3.32~8.21 h/a;降水量均呈减少趋势,但不显著,夏季降水量的减少趋势最为显著;相对湿度除承德气象站有显著增大趋势外,其他站点均呈现下降趋势,其中乐亭站达到显著下降水平;径流量均呈不显著减少趋势,潘家口水库水文站年入库径流量的Kendall倾向度为-1 799万m3/a。
On the basis of the mean annual air temperature,precipitation and relative humidity from 5 meteorological stations from 1957 to 2008 as well as runoff of 4 gauge stations from 1956 to 2000 in the Luanhe River Basin,the long-term trend of major climatic variables and runoff was analyzed by using Mann-Kendall test method,the accumulative anomaly method and the moving average method.The results show that the annual air temperature in most of the stations experienced a significant increasing tendency during the past 52 years with Mann-Kendall slopes of 0.28-0.43 ℃/10 a.The annual sunshine hours exhibited a significant decreasing tendency for all the sites with Mann-Kendall slopes of 3.32-8.21 h/a.The annual amount of precipitations all showed a decreasing trend expecially in summer.Besides the Chengde site,all the other stations exhibited a decreasing tendency in the mean annual relative humidity,and this trend was obvious in Leting Station.The runoff from all the gauge stations exhibited a little decreasing trend and the Mann-Kendall slope of Panjiakou Reservoir runoff reached to-1.799×107 m3/a.
Yellow River