

Sample Size Estimation and Software Implementation in Non-Inferiority/Equivalence Tests
摘要 目的:以标准治疗为对照的非劣性/等效性检验中样本含量估计及软件实现。方法:采用PASS11软件和相关计算公式,并通过实例分析计算两样本均数和两样本率比较时所需样本含量。结果:应用软件PASS11和所给的公式计算中,两样本均数比较时结果相等,两样本率比较时非劣效性检验所需样本含量为111例,等效性检验所需样本含量为154例,与软件结果(分别为112、154)也是非常接近。结论:相同的准确度下,该文章中介绍的公式计算简单、实现方便、易被接受,实用性强;但PASS11软件界面简洁、操作方便、结果输出更快。 Objective: To realize sample size estimation and software implementation in non-inferiority/equivalence tests with standard therapy for comparison. Methods: Using PASS 11 and related calculation formula calculate sample size of two sample means and two sample proportions by CaseStudy. Results: The two sample means were equal by using PASS 11 and the formula given. Comparing the two sample proportions, sample size required for non-inferiority tests was 111 cases, and sample size required for equivalence tests was 154 cases, which the result was very close to software ( respectively 112/154 ) . Conclusion: Under the same accuracy, the formula described in this article was simple, easily achievable, easily acceptable, and practical; while for PASS 11, its software interface is simple, easy to operate, and output faster.
出处 《中国中医药咨讯》 2011年第17期428-428,430,共2页
关键词 非劣效性 等效性 样本含量 PASS Non-inferiority Equivalence Sample size PASS
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