

In the Looking Glass of Travel-Writing:Europe and Its Others Monica Spiridon
摘要 本文的贡献在于利用西方身份的建构,阐明在这一身份建构过程中所谓的"野蛮人"形象所扮演的重要角色。本文通过细读默西亚·埃里亚德、勒·克莱齐奥、托马斯·曼的一系列关于真实或想象旅行的日记,试图在质疑文明-野蛮这一二元对立的同时,促成对这两个概念重新定义,解构与之相关的刻板印象。显然,相对于欧洲身份的核心范式而言,这三位作家都在一定程度上将自己置于边缘,正是基于这一立场,他们的旅行写作揭示了一个事实,即:关于野蛮人的现存神话促成了欧洲对于真正野蛮民族态度的形成,而非相反。 Our contribution draws on the construction of Western identity,highlighting the main part played in this process by the figure of the so-called Barbarian.The close reading of a series of real and imaginary travel journals published by Mircea Eliade,J.M.G.Le Clézio and Thomas Mann attempts to question the status of the polarity civilized versus barbarian and to help redefine the two notions in order to deconstruct the stereotypes floating around them.As reported to the core paradigm of European identity the three authors identify themselves as somewhat marginal.From this particular stand point their travel writings unveil the fact that the already existing myth of the wild man helped shape European reactions to real savage people and not the other way around.
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期42-49,共8页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 野蛮人 文明与野蛮 他者 旅行写作 西方文化 barbarian civilized versus wild otherness travel writing Western culture
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  • 1Bartra, Roger. Wild Men in the Looking Glass. The Mythic Origins of European Otherness. Ann Arbor : Michigan UP, 1994.
  • 2Bree, Germaine. Le monde fabuleux de Le Clzio. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1990.
  • 3Duerr, H. P. Dreamtime : Concerning the Boundary between Wilderness and Civilization. London: Basil Black- well, 1986.
  • 4Eliade, Mircea. India. Biblioteca Mahajarahului ( 1935 ) ( India, the Library of the Maharajah). Bucuresti: Humanitas, 1998.
  • 5Le Clezio, J. M. G. Le livre desfuites. Paris: Gallimard, 1969.
  • 6Mann, Thomas. "Traversee avec Don Quichotte" (1934). Noblesse de l'esprit. Trans. Femand Delmas. Paris: Albin Michel, 1960. 253 -306.
  • 7Onimus, Jean. Pour lire Le Clezio. Paris: PUF, 1994.








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