
从复杂性科学视角阐释认知语言学 被引量:4

An Interpretation of Cognitive Linguistics in Light of Complexity Science
摘要 自然科学的研究范式正在由基于牛顿力学的经典科学范式向复杂性科学范式转变。认知语言学的核心思想在根本上与复杂性科学是一致的。语言本质上是一个复杂系统,与其他复杂系统存在共同之处。对复杂性科学的理解能够使语言学家获得更多启示与灵感,更现实地认识语言研究的理论目标。 The paradigm for natural science is shifting from classical science based on Newtonian mechanics to complexity science based on complexity theory.The basic tenets of Cognitive Linguistics are compatible with those of complexity science.Language as a complex system has a lot in common with other complex systems.Drawing on the findings of complexity science has important implications for the study of language.
作者 张凤
出处 《当代外语研究》 2011年第8期20-24,60,共5页 Contemporary Foreign Language Studies
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