

Comparison of two-dimensional electrophoregrams of hippocampal proteome between fimbria-fornix transected rats and normal rats
摘要 目的:比较切割穹窿海马伞后大鼠海马与正常大鼠海马蛋白质组双向电泳图谱的差异,为研究切割穹窿海马伞后大鼠海马的神经再生内环境提供实验依据。方法:制作切割双侧穹窿海马伞大鼠动物模型,术后7 d分别取切割穹窿海马伞后大鼠和正常大鼠海马组织,提取总蛋白,进行双向电泳,比较切割穹窿海马伞后大鼠与正常大鼠海马组织的蛋白质表达差异。结果:通过双向电泳软件分析,切割穹窿海马伞后大鼠海马和正常大鼠海马组织双向电泳图谱经匹配比对后发现有7个蛋白点仅在切割穹窿海马伞海马蛋白双向电泳图谱中表达,35个蛋白在两组大鼠海马组织中含量发生了2倍以上的变化,其中切割穹窿海马伞大鼠组上调31个,下调4个。结论:初步建立了切割海马伞大鼠海马比较蛋白质组学的技术方法;切割穹窿海马伞后7 d大鼠海马与正常海马蛋白表达存在明显差异,差异点的发现为今后进一步深入研究切割穹窿海马伞后大鼠海马的神经再生机制提供了实验依据。 Objective: To compare the global protein patterns between fimbria-fornix transected rats and normal rats by the means of two-dimensional electrophoresis(2-DE),and explore the possibility of applying proteomics technology in research on the nich of hippocampal neuroregeneration after the fimbria-fornix transection.Methods: The model of fimbria-fornix transected rats were prepared.7 d later,the total protein were extracted,2-DE was conducted to compare hippocampus protein expression between the fimbria-fornix transected rats and normal rats.Results: Analyzed by the 2-DE software,the 13 protein spots only expressed after the fimbria-fornix transected hippocampus.35 spots showed 2-folds difference between two groups,31 spots were up-regulated after fimbria-fornix transection,and 4 others were down-regulated.Conclusion: We establised a useful 2-DE method to analysis the fimbria-fornix transected rats,the protein expression showed significant differences between fimbria-fornix transected and normal rats,and these different protein spots provied an important method to explore the hippocampal neuroregeneration mechanism after fimbria-fornix transection.
出处 《南通大学学报(医学版)》 2011年第4期237-238,242,共3页 Journal of Nantong University(Medical sciences)
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(31070937) 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目(PAPD)
关键词 穹窿海马伞切割 海马 双向电泳 大鼠 fimbria fornix transection hippocampus two-dimensional electrophoresis rat
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