
进入规制的强度差异及其原因——基于跨国数据的实证研究 被引量:4

Intensity Differences of Entry Regulation and the Causes:Empirical Study Based on Cross-country Data
摘要 进入规制强度反映了国民投资和经营的自由程度,在一定意义上可以代表市场开放程度和国民的实际经济法律地位。文章利用大样本的跨国数据建立面板数据模型,对进入规制强度差异的原因及其影响进行了实证研究,得出经济发展水平、英系法源、重大事件的发生和民主化程度有助于降低进入规制强度的结论。这意味着为了改变我国目前进入规制强度相对较高的现状,不仅需要积极稳妥地推进进入规制改革,更重要的是进一步完善市场机制,提高经济发展水平,尤其要加快我国的社会主义民主政治建设,以提高民主化和法治化水平。 The intensity of entry regulation reflects the freedom degree of investment and business, and represents the degree of market openness and real economic legal status of citizens in a certain sense. Based on cross-country data, this paper empirically studies the intensity differences of entry regulation and the causes, and arrives at a conclusion that economic development level, British legal origin, the occurrence of great events and democratization level are advantageous to the reduction in regulation intensi- ty. It means that, in order to change the status quo of high intensity of entry regulation, China needs to promote the entry regulation reform, improve market mechanisms, raise the level of economic development, and especially accelerate the construction of socialist democratic polities to raise the levels of democratization and legalization.
作者 金玉国
出处 《财经研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第9期101-111,共11页 Journal of Finance and Economics
基金 国家社会科学基金(08BJY016) 山东省自然科学基金(ZR2009HL018)
关键词 进入规制 因素分析 面板数据模型 跨国数据 entry regulation factor analysis panel data model cross-country data
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