1"Nomination Heating To Be Secretary of State ", Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State, Statement before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Washington, DC, January 13, 2009, .http:// www. state, gov/seeretary/rm/2009a/01/115196, htm.
2Suzanne Nossel, "Smart Power ", Foreign Affairs, March/Apill 2004, Vol. 83, Issue 2, p. 131.
3Joseph S. Nye Jr. , Think Again : Soft Power, Foreign Policy, March 1, 2006, http://yaleglobal, yale. edu/display, article? id = 7059.
4CSIS Commission on Smart Power, "A Smarter, More Secure America", CoChairs: Richard L. Armitage and Joseph S. Nye, Jr. , http://www, csis. org/media/csis/pubs/071106- csissmartpowerreport. pdf.
5Smart Power: Building a Better, Safer World, Joint Testimony of General Anthony C. Zinni, USMC ( Ret. ) and Admiral Leighton W. Smith, Jr. , USN (Ret.) before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, March 5, 2008, http://foreign, senate, gov/testimony/2008/ ZinniTestimony080305a. pdf.
7Joseph S. Nye Jr. , Think Again : Soft Power, Foreign Policy, March 1, 2006, http://yaleglobal, yale. edu/display article? id = 7059.
8CSIS Commission on Smart Power, "A Smarter, More Secure America", p. 7.
9CSIS Commission on Smart Power, "A Smarter, More Secure America", p. 5.
10CSIS Commission on Smart Power, "A Smarter, More Secure America", pp. 10 - 12.