常州市魏村水厂续建工程土建规模为40万m^3/d,设备规模为30万m^3/d,建设用地仅有2.88 ha(1 ha=0.01 km^2)。针对建设场地非常有限,经综合比较分析,采用法国威力雅水务集团的Multiflo沉淀池、TGV滤池和ACTIDYN浓缩池作为净水构筑物和排泥水处理构筑物方案。重点介绍了该工艺特点和在魏村水厂中的应用情况。
The aera of extension project at Weicun waterworks in Changzhou is 4×105 m^3/d for civil construction and 3×105 m^3/d for equipments installation, and only oceupying a construction field of 2.88 ha (1 ha=0.01 km^2). To the limitation of construction areas, the new processes of Muhiflo settlement tank, TGV filtration and ACTIDYN thickener, which supplied by Veolia Environment, are adopted for drinking water purifying and sludge treating and dewatering. The characteristics of the treatment process and the application in Weicun waterworks are fully introduced and discussed.
Water Purification Technology