
经济部类志书应反映经济发展方式转变这条主线 被引量:2

The Economic Category of Local Records Should Reflect the Main Thread of Economic Development Pattern Transformation
摘要 作为第二轮志书重要组成部分的经济部类志书,应该着重反映各地区在转变经济发展方式上所做的工作,取得的成绩,以及存在的不足和问题,供当代和后人借鉴。在记述一个地区经济发展规模时,应结合本地区实际情况,构建一个比较科学的指标体系;在记述经济结构调整时,应重点记述投资、消费、出口对经济增长的拉动情况,三次产业的调整和演进过程,农村和城市之间、发达地区与欠发达地区之间的差距。产业发展是经济部类志书记述的重点内容,由于科技发展和技术进步,传统产业的分类和记述方法已很难适应现代产业的发展,也较难反映一个区域的产业特色,因此产业发展的记述应跟上时代的潮流。我国提出转变经济发展方式已经多年,但进展比较缓慢,主要原因就在于各方面的改革还不到位,体制机制仍不完善。为此,在全面记述经济发展方式转变的过程中,也要把经济体制改革作为重要内容加以记述。 The economic category of local records,as an important component of second-round local records,should concentrate on reflecting the work,achievements,deficiencies and problems of each area in their efforts to transform economic development pattern,so as to provide lessons for people living in the contemporary and the future generations.While recording the size of economic development of a certain area,one should establish a relatively scientific indicator system in combination with the practical situation of that area;while recording economic restructuring,one should concentrate on recording the role of investment,consumption,and export on fueling economic growth,the three industrial restructuring and evolution process,and the gap between rural and urban areas,between developed and under-developed areas.Industrial development is an important content for economic category of local records accounts.Because of the development of science and technology and technical innovations,traditional industrial categorization and recording methods became very difficult to adapt to the development of modern industries,and difficult to reflect the industrial features of a certain area,and therefore the recording of industrial development should keep up with the trend of the age.It has been many years since our nation first raised up the issue of transforming economic development pattern,but progress has been relatively slow,mainly because reforms in various sectors have not been adequate,and systems and mechanisms have not been perfected.Therefore,in the process of fully recording the transformation of economic development pattern,one should record economic restructuring and reform as an important content.
作者 王铁鹏
出处 《中国地方志》 CSSCI 2011年第8期10-14,3,共5页 China Local Records
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