Objective To find the relationship between the ratio of urine protein and creatitine and the microalbuminuria test after analyzing large quantity clinical data, determine the dividing value of urine protein and the ratio of urine protein and creatitine for positive microalbuminuria. Methods Determined the ratio of urine protein and creatitine,and determine the correlation between the ratio of urine protein and the microalbuminuria,find the dividing value of the ratio of urine protein and creatitine for positive microalbuminuria using ROC analysis. Results There were relationships between the ratio of urine protine and microalbuminuria in patients with hypertension,diabetes,and global analysis of hypertension and diabetes patients (r^2 was 0. 96,0. 92,0. 94 respectively). The dividing value of urine protein and the ratio of urine protein and creatitine for postive microalbuminuria was 47.2 mg/L and 115.4 mg/L in hypertension patients, 50. 1 mg/L and 137.6 mg/L in diabetes patients, 52.5 mg/L and 123.1 mg/L in global analysis of hypertension and diabetes patients,respective- ly. Conclusion In this research find the dividing value of the ratio of urine protein and creatitine for positive microalbu- minuria,which may give helps in enhancing the detection efficiency and redusing the expenses,and giving pre-alarm for positive microalbuminuria of patients in primary hospitals.
Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine