
利用尿蛋白/肌酐比值测定进行尿微量清蛋白预警 被引量:1

Warning of Positive Microalbuminuria Using the Ratio of Urine Protein and Creatinine
摘要 目的通过对临床数据的分析总结,力图寻找尿蛋白/肌酐比值与尿微量清蛋白检测结果之间的联系,确定使用尿蛋白/肌酐比值预测尿微量清蛋白阳性结果的界值.方法选取尿微量清蛋白阳性的耱尿病、高血压患者各120例,对其尿液进行尿肌酐和尿蛋白检测,分析尿蛋白/肌酐比值与尿微量清蛋白检测结果之间的相关性,使用ROC曲线寻找使用尿蛋白/肌酐比值预测尿微量清蛋白阳性结果的界值。结果高血压、糖尿病患者及上述两种患者综合分析的尿蛋白/肌酐比值与尿微量清蛋白之间存在相关性(r^2分别为0.96,0.92和0.94).高血压患者尿蛋白/肌酐比值诊断尿微量清蛋白的界值分别为47.2mg/L和115.4g/L,糖尿病患者分别为50.1mg/L扣137.6mg/L,两种患者综合分析结果为52.5mg/L和123.1mg/L。结论该实验成功界定了使用尿蛋白/肌酐比值对尿微量清蛋白进行预警的界值,对降低相关痰病患者检查的经济负担,缩短TAT时间及方便基层医院对患者尿微量清蛋白进行早期预警提供了一种方案。 Objective To find the relationship between the ratio of urine protein and creatitine and the microalbuminuria test after analyzing large quantity clinical data, determine the dividing value of urine protein and the ratio of urine protein and creatitine for positive microalbuminuria. Methods Determined the ratio of urine protein and creatitine,and determine the correlation between the ratio of urine protein and the microalbuminuria,find the dividing value of the ratio of urine protein and creatitine for positive microalbuminuria using ROC analysis. Results There were relationships between the ratio of urine protine and microalbuminuria in patients with hypertension,diabetes,and global analysis of hypertension and diabetes patients (r^2 was 0. 96,0. 92,0. 94 respectively). The dividing value of urine protein and the ratio of urine protein and creatitine for postive microalbuminuria was 47.2 mg/L and 115.4 mg/L in hypertension patients, 50. 1 mg/L and 137.6 mg/L in diabetes patients, 52.5 mg/L and 123.1 mg/L in global analysis of hypertension and diabetes patients,respective- ly. Conclusion In this research find the dividing value of the ratio of urine protein and creatitine for positive microalbu- minuria,which may give helps in enhancing the detection efficiency and redusing the expenses,and giving pre-alarm for positive microalbuminuria of patients in primary hospitals.
出处 《现代检验医学杂志》 CAS 2011年第4期84-85,89,共3页 Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine
关键词 尿微量清蛋白 高血压 糖尿病 microalbuminuria hypertension diabetes
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