本文报告一例病程长达6个月的肠道传播的非甲非乙型肝炎[Enterically Transmitted non-A non-B Hepatitis,简称HNANB(E)]病人肝穿活检标本的光镜和电镜观察结果。光镜下肝细胞大小一致,多呈疏松样变。肝小叶界板完整,小叶内有点状坏死灶。门管区有轻-中度炎性反应。电镜下肝细胞的细胞器变性且减少,多分布在核周和细胞膜下。肝细胞间隙增宽,微绒毛增多。Disse间隙内储脂细胞和胶原纤维增生。肝窦内Kupffer细胞肥大,少量致敏的淋巴细胞穿越窦壁与肝细胞密切接触。本例符合慢性迁延性肝炎(CPH)的病理和超微病理的改变。
A study of liver biopsy from a patient who suffered from enterically transmitted non-A, non-B hepatitis for 6 months, is reported at the level of both light and electron microscopy.The results were as follows: (1) LM:It was found that the hepatoeytes showed no much difference in size and loose cytoplasm was seen in most of the eells; hepatic plate of lobule was integrated and the focal necrosis was seen in the lobules; there were slight to moderate inflammatory reactions in the portal area. (2)EM: Cellular organs of hepatoeytes were degenerated and the hi, tuber of them decreased, most of them were distributed around the nucleus and near the cell membrane; the space among hepatoeytes was widened and microvitli were increased; lipoeytes and collagen fibers were proliferated in Disse space; Kupffer cells in sin usoid were swollen and a few of allergic lymphocytes through the sinusoid walls connected with the hepatocytes.
chronic persistent hepatitis
non-A non-B
hepatic tissue
light microscopy
electron microscopy