

A Broad-Band Quadrature Signals Generator Based on Analogy Multiplier
摘要 为了获得宽频带正交信号;采用了对经过RC-CR移相网络获得的窄带正交信号进行取模并交叉相乘的方法(交叉乘模法);通过详细的数学推导证明了该方法扩展普通RC-CR移相网络的可行性,并采用安捷伦(Agilent)公司的ADS(AdvancedDesign System)软件进行建模仿真验证;获得了与数学推导一致的结果;得到了该交叉乘模法可扩展普通RC-CR移相网络的通频带,可用来产生宽频带正交信号的结论。 A practical method to get broad-band quadrature signal is introduced. This method is based on the tradition RC-CR phase-shifting network. The quadrature signals obtained through RC-CR network get the equal amplitude by mutual arithmetic operations. First, a detailed mathematical deduction has proven the viability of the method to broaden the pass-band of the traditional RC-CR phase-shifting network. Then ADS ( Advanced Design System) of Agilent is adopted to build a simulation model to test and verify it. The results are the same with the expectation of mathematical deduction. The quadrature signals can be steady output and in larger frequency ranges, which is times of the traditional RC-CR phase-shifting network.
出处 《电子器件》 CAS 2011年第4期459-462,共4页 Chinese Journal of Electron Devices
关键词 正交信号 宽带 RC—CR移相网络 交叉乘模 quadrature signal broad-band RC-CR phase-shifting network analogy multiplier
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