本文对116例急性机械性肠梗阻手术资料进行分析,指出粘连、套迭、肠扭转是三大致病原因(占93.1%)。强调术前6h 左右积极纠正水电紊乱和酸中毒的重要性。在手术时机的选择上掌握宁早勿晚,在手术指征上掌握宁宽勿严的原则。最后对肠吻合术时减压管的应用也做了讨论。
In a review of 116 patients with acute mechanical intestinal obstruction with operation,the authors found that adhesions,intussusception and volvulus were three common causes responsable for the obstruction (93.1%).The importance of correction of fluid and electrolytes disturbance as well as acidosis,about 6 hours before operation was emphasized,For the optime time of operation,the authors prefered to be early rather than late.In regard to operative indication we prefered to be geneous rather than strict.Finally,the use of decompresson tube in bowel anastomosis was discussed as well.