

Non-experiential Cognition of Cultural Metaphors:An Empirical Approach in the Synchronic Respect
摘要 本文从实证角度探讨文化性比喻认知的非体验性。首先,通过实例分析说明比喻认知的体验性和非体验性现象;在实证研究部分,考察大学高年级本科生和硕士研究生对文化性表达的理解和识辨水平,工具是一组具有典型中国传统文化特点的成语(大多是比喻性的);进而分析所提取的数据:通过有意识加工获得的认识跟这些文化性比喻的原初意义之间出现了相当大的错位,这表明主体通过推理和想象体现一定的非体验性以及有意识加工在这一过程中发挥作用。文章最后总结体验性和非体验性两类知识、非体验性跟体验性的关系以及相关现状带给我们的启示。本文的结论对体验哲学的认识论具有补充意义。 This study is concerned with the non-experientiality of cultural metaphors from the empirical perspective. The paper begins with cases that suggest a contradiction to the cardinal view of Experientialism, which leads to the rationale of the present study. It then selects a set of Chinese proverbs characterized with typical traditional Chinese cultural traits for experiment, and selected senior university undergraduates and graduate students as subjects, the purpose of which is to gauge their recognition level. The analysis shows that there is a big gap between the results of what the subjects reason and imagine from the proverb expressions and their proper meanings. This process involves much conscious effort, which implies that the subjects' cognition has a very much different experiential basis from those of the ancient people who created the metaphors. The conclusion is, however, a weak state- ment because experientiality is, after all, the essential basis. The paper finally points out the relationship between non-experienti-ality and experientia-lity, the insight from the data analysis, and the effect of rational knowledge upon daily conduct. The finding is epistemologically complementary to Lakoff and Johnson' s theory of Experientialism.
出处 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期44-48,共5页 Foreign Language Research
基金 教育部人文社科项目"认知加工层次中的英语隐喻系统研究"(05JA740004) 新世纪高校优秀人才支持计划(NCET-05-152)的阶段性成果
关键词 文化性比喻 时空异置 认知 非体验性 实证研究 cuhural metaphor displacement of time and space cognition non-experientiality empirical study
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