In the next two decades,the world will face less radical changes and shocks that were typical for previous twenty years.The United States will maintain its leadership in science and innovations,finance and military force.The strengthening of China will make the greatest impact on changes of global balance of power.Ideology of globalization based on market and democratic principles will remain to be the leading system of ideas in the world.Ideologies will be increasingly interconnected with global political,social,economic and cultural trends.This would become a basis for ideology of global governance.Large-scale and significant changes in the worldwide "set of culture" and in the inner nature of each culture are highly unlikely in the horizon of 2030,the same is unlikely to form a global culture that will be predominantly innovative and productive.The formation of mechanisms and principles of global governance will be accelerated.Major driving forces of the worldwide economic development are innovations and globalization.In the next twenty years,globalization will continue speeding up a growth of the world economy.But the impact of the world financial economic crisis will still exist in the first half period of the forecasts.A new financial and economic crisis and possible rise of protectionism may become the key limitation to economic growth.In 2011-2030,the average rates of growth of the world economy will be 4.0-4.5%.China's approach to the group of middle-income countries with high rates of social and economic development will represent the main shift by 2030.The very traditional division of countries into developed and developing one will change.Quality of growth and criteria of competitive power will determine the place of a country on the world economic map.China will at least approach the GDP level of the USA in terms of scale,but will still lag behind in terms of innovation and other qualitative components of GDP.China will turn into the biggest domestic market in the world and will become the main factor supporting global demand.The world will not suffer from the shortage of energy resources.China and some other states in Pacific Asia,India and leading countries of Latin America will increase their share in the international flows of capital.Substantial changes in the world monetary system largely depend on the time when the Chinese renminbi would become an international reserve currency.The role of G-7/G-8 will change.The activity and influence of transnational corporations and banks will be expanded.Social contradictions can undermine not only national social systems,but will cause international social problems(migration,demographics,ethnic conflicts,etc) .Tendencies towards coordinated actions of global powers for international peace will prevail over inclination to conflict.During next twenty years,Russia should efficiently adapt its domestic and foreign strategy to main trends in global development in order to avoid finding itself in a marginal position,to cope with future risks and to exploit new opportunities coming from globalization.
Russian Studies
international configuration
global governance
world economy
world monetary system
United States