
自身抗体与重症肌无力的研究新进展 被引量:6

The new development of autoantibodies and myasthenia gravis
摘要 重症肌无力(MG)主要是由乙酰胆碱受体抗体(AChRAb)介导的细胞免疫依赖补体参与的,针对神经肌肉接头突触后膜上乙酰胆碱受体的自身免疫性疾病。近年来对MG的发病机制作了大量的研究,发现自身抗体在MG的发病中有重要作用,如AChR抗体、阿理阿若碱(RyR)抗体和肌肉特异性酪氨酸激酶(MuSK)抗体等。由于MG病人血清中所含抗体的不同其临床特点不同,在发病机制中的作用也有差异,因而治疗MG前分析抗体水平可以提供更合理的治疗方式,通过抗体水平随访治疗效果。 Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an autoimmune disease that the acetylcholine receptor antibody (AchR-Ab) mediated, complement dependent cell-mediated immunity involved in and against acetyleholine receptors in neuromuscular postsynaptic membrane. Recently, accumulating evidence convincingly emphasizes that autoantibodies play an important role in the pathogenesis of MG, such as AchR-Ab, Titin-Ab, RyR-Ab and MuSK-Ab. Different antibodies contained in MG patients" serum may cause differences in patients" clinical features and pathogenesis of MG. The analysis of MG antibody levels before treatment can provide a more rational treatment, which also help us assess the effect of treatment .
出处 《国际免疫学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第5期276-280,共5页 International Journal of Immunology
关键词 重症肌无力 自身抗体 TITIN抗体 Kv抗体 MuSK抗体 Myasthenia gravis Autoantibodies Titin antibody Kv antibody MuSK antibody
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