

Study on the Rapid Synthesis of Hafnium Tungstate
摘要 利用CO2激光快速烧结技术合成了负热膨胀材料钨酸铪,并用拉曼光谱、X射线衍射和SEM对其进行了物相和形貌观察.结果表明,合成的钨酸铪主要为立方相含有极少量的正交相,样品表面和内部的晶粒沿激光扫描的方向取向生长,形貌为柱状晶,均匀致密,尺寸在10~50 nm. Negative thermal expansion material of Hafnium tungstate is rapidly synthesized by CO2 laser.The phase structure is characterized by Raman spectra,powder X-ray diffraction(XRD) and scanning electron microscopy(SEM) respectively.The results show that the samples which are cubic structure with minor contents of orthorhombic phase and composed of nanostructures which grow horizontally on the surface.The nano-rods in the interior are composed of densely packed nano-crystallites with grain sizes around 10~50nm.
出处 《滨州学院学报》 2011年第3期74-77,共4页 Journal of Binzhou University
基金 滨州学院科研基金项目(BZXYG1116) 滨州学院青年人才创新工程科研基金项目(BZXYQNLG200819)
关键词 激光快速烧结法 压应力 负热膨胀特性 钨酸铪 laser rapid sintering stress negative thermal expansion HfW2O8
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