大连石化生产丙烯流程中,3.5Mt/a催化裂化装置液化气中乙烷含量对气体分馏装置的操作产生直接影响。脱乙烷塔顶排出乙烷时,会造成丙烯的伴随排放,造成经济损失。利用大连石化OTS平台的Unisim Design流程模拟软件,对3.5Mt/a催化裂化装置吸收稳定系统进行建模,分析影响液化气中乙烷含量的主要影响因素,并依据流程模拟结果,对操作条件进行寻优,进而指导装置生产。本次寻优只针对液化气中乙烷含量对气体分馏装置的影响,其他优化不在本次研究范围内。通过对装置实际操作条件的优化,液化气中乙烷含量较优化前下降0.684%(体积分数),干气中丙烯含量下降0.102%(体积分数),从2010年5月开始,至当年11月,已产生直接经济效益960万元。通过流程模拟软件指导装置生产,进行操作寻优,投资少,回报率高,见效快,是企业精细化管理的一条新路。
In PetroChina Dalian Petrochemical Company′s propylene production,the content of ethane in the LPG from the 3.5Mt/a fluid catalytic cracking unit(FCCU) has a direct influence on the operation of the gas fractionation unit.When ethane comes out of the dethanizer from the top of the unit,propylene can be discharged along with ethane,causing economic loss.Using the Unisim Design process simulation software used by PetroChina Dalian Petrochemical Company′s OTS platform,researchers modeled the absorption stabilization system of the 3.5Mt/a FCCU,analyzed the main factors affecting the content of ethane in LPG and determined the optimum operating conditions based on the results of the process modeling,therefore providing guidance for the operation of the unit.The optimization of the operating conditions only targeted the influence of the content of ethane in LPG on gas fractionation units and other optimization measures were not covered this study.As a result of the optimization of actual operating conditions of the unit,the content of ethane in LPG dropped by 0.684%(by volume fraction) over that prior to the optimization and the content of propylene in dry gas dropped by 0.102%(by volume fraction).From May to November 2010,the direct economic benefits from the optimization amounted to 9.6 million yuan.The method of determining the optimal operating conditions through the use of process simulation software is characterized by relatively low investment,high return rate and quick payoff and is thus a new fine management approach for enterprises.
Sino-Global Energy