
宗教与冷战后美国外交政策——以美国宗教团体的“苏丹运动”为例 被引量:15

Religion and US Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era: The Case of the Sudan Campaign
摘要 冷战结束以来,宗教在美国的外交政策和国际事务中的作用从隐性转为显性。在美国外交事务领域,宗教以及宗教团体通过无形的宗教意识形态以及有形的组织机构两个维度发挥作用。同时,其影响也受到各种传统及现实因素的制约。这在"苏丹运动"中就有程度不等的体现。苏丹运动在某种程度上打破了长期以来美国对非洲政策的所谓"三不规则",通过媒体宣传、基层动员和社会运动等方式形塑了美国外交政策议题。苏丹运动同时暴露了宗教团体介入美国对外事务领域的局限性。该运动为人们了解宗教以及宗教团体如何影响美国外交政策、研究后冷战时期宗教对国际关系的影响提供了重要案例。 Since the end of the Cold War, religion and religious groups have been playing an increasingly prominent role in US foreign policy, even though their influences, both tangible and intangible, have been restricted by various traditional and practical factors. These influences and limitations are reflected, to a certain degree, in the Sudan Campaign led by religious advocates and their organizations. The Sudan Campaign has significantly transformed the 'three basic rules' of the long-standing US policy toward Africa, and helped in setting up a new foreign policy agenda for the US government through massive media, social and political mobilizations. It has served as an important case for people to better understand the way in which religion and religious groups influence US foreign policy and their inherent limitations, as well as the general impact of religion on international relations in the post-Cold War era.
作者 徐以骅
出处 《中国社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期199-218,223,共20页 Social Sciences in China
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"宗教与中国国家安全研究"(06JZD0005)的中期成果
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  • 1Allen D. Hertzke, Freeing God's Children: The Unlikely Alliance for Global Human Rights, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. , 2004, p. 268.
  • 2徐以骅.宗教在当前美国政治与外交中的影响[J].国际问题研究,2009(2):33-38. 被引量:16
  • 3Thomas F. Farr, World of Faith and Freedom: Why International Religious Liberty Is Vital to American National Security, New York: Oxford University Press, 2008, p. 149.
  • 4Mark R. Amstutz, "Faith-Based NGOs and U.S. Foreign Policy," in Elliott Abrams, ed., The Influence of Faith: Religious Groups and U. S. Foreign Policy, Lanham, Maryland: Rowman Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2001, p.175.
  • 5徐以骅.《试析美国“1998年国际宗教自由法”》,《宗教与美国社会》第2辑,北京:时事出版社,2004年,第518-519页.
  • 6Alien D. Hertzke, Freeing God's Children, pp. 26-27.
  • 7Conn Hallinan, "Religion and Foreign Policy: Politics by Other Means, "Berkeley Daily Planet, Nov. 9, 2007.
  • 8Allen D. Hertzke, Freeing God's Children, p. 281.
  • 9Allen D. Hertzke, Freeing God's Children, p. 17.
  • 10徐以骅.《宗教新右翼与美国外交政策》,《宗教与美国社会》第1辑,北京:时事出版社,2004年,第83-93页.


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  • 2《三千年前埃及已用中国丝绸》,《人民日报》,1993年4月日.
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  • 4联合国安理会第1372号决议,2001年9月28日
  • 5United Nations.Note From the Department of Humanitarian Affair Concerning the Possible Humanitarian Impact of the Intern ational Flight Ban Decided in Security Council Resolution 1070(1996).20 February,1997
  • 6United Nations Security Council.Report of the Secretary-General Pursuant to Security Council Resolution 1070,S/1996/940
  • 7"US Allows UN Couneil to End Sanctions against Sudan".Reuters.28 September,2001
  • 8Secretary of State Madeleine K.Albright,Remarks on New Economic Sanctions Against Sudan,US Departroent of State,Washing-ton,DC,4 November,1997
  • 9"US Slaps New Sanctions on Sudan",Inter Press Service,New York,Nov,4.1997
  • 10联合国安理会第1044号决议,1996年1月31日.See http://www.un.org












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